
Hello Friends!

I've been a vegan for a little more than 3 years now-

Recently I've been into consuming probiotics to help with overall gut health. For about a year now I've been drinking Good Belly which is at around 20 billion. Today I looked at a product created by Garden of Life called Raw Probiotic which offers 85 billion. Sounds pretty awesome. Problem is, I don't see anywhere that labels it vegan or vegan friendly and I couldn't find any publish fact on this concern. I'm reaching out to this community to see if any other vegan has come across this product and might help shine a little light.

Kind regards
(By: Clint)

[By: @ 2012-06-09, 03:40 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

Re: Probiotics?

Hi Clint,

I took a look at their web page for the product "Raw Probiotics Men"

On the Supplemental Facts, it states that the product contains Bulgarian Yogurt Concentrate. Thus the product is not vegan.

> Hello Friends!
> I've been a vegan for a little more than 3 years now-
> Recently I've been into consuming probiotics to help with overall gut
> health. For about a year now I've been drinking Good Belly which is at
> around 20 billion. Today I looked at a product created by Garden of Life
> called Raw Probiotic which offers 85 billion. Sounds pretty awesome.
> Problem is, I don't see anywhere that labels it vegan or vegan friendly and
> I couldn't find any publish fact on this concern. I'm reaching out to this
> community to see if any other vegan has come across this product and might
> help shine a little light.
> Kind regards
> C
> (By: Clint)

(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2012-09-02, 08:05 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions