
I want to be entirely vegan, but I am allergic to nuts, [except almonds in moderation] soy, corn some beans, avocado, barley and all condiments or fermented foods, so, also mushrooms and, as it turns out, algae. How do I get protein that doesn\'t bore me into fits? I\'ve been eating cannelini beans and rice but it makes me fall asleep.
(By: Kayti Sullivan)

[By: @ 2012-04-17, 05:12 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question:

Hi Katyi,

Try consulting with a nutritionist who is vegan or vegan-friendly. They can help you find a variety of foods that would be OK for you. There is a HUGE variety of vegan foods out there. Health food stores are a good place to find a lot of them.

Regarding protein, don't be worried. Pretty much the only way to become protein deficient is to actually be starving.
(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2012-09-02, 08:13 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan