ANS: Question: Vegan for 3 mths feeling less energy...something wrong?
That's great that you feel "good about the change" and congratulations on making the commitment and maintaining it for over 3 months.
Regarding the fatigue, one reason could be that when you start a healthier diet your body will often go through a detox period. As your body is getting rid of toxins you will feel drained.
With respect to the specific foods that you are eating, I'm sure you only listed a handful but make sure you have a wide variety of foods so that you get the best range of nutrients. Also, make sure to add more protein rich foods such as tempeh or tofu. In the morning, you could have a fruit smoothie with some Vega protein and the protein would sustain you through the morning. (start off with a smaller amount of Vega than suggested)
Another possibility is with regards to the quality of the produce you are using. If you are eating way more produce than before and it is not organic then you may be consuming a high amount of pesticides that will affect the way you feel. Ones that have thin skin (ex: strawberries) or ones with high surface area (ex: lettuce) are the items that should be eaten organic. Ones that have thicker skin are more safe. Also, you can buy a veggie wash to clean vegetables, but again it will not be very effective for produce like strawberries.
Regarding the weight loss, unfortunately it is easier for men to lose weight than it is for women. Depending on how old you are (even moderately young), hormones will be a factor as well.
ANS: Question: Vegan for 3 mths feeling less energy...something wrong?
That's great that you feel "good about the change" and congratulations on making the commitment and maintaining it for over 3 months.
[By: 0 @ 2011-08-27, 06:16 | Reply | Print ]Regarding the fatigue, one reason could be that when you start a healthier diet your body will often go through a detox period. As your body is getting rid of toxins you will feel drained.
With respect to the specific foods that you are eating, I'm sure you only listed a handful but make sure you have a wide variety of foods so that you get the best range of nutrients. Also, make sure to add more protein rich foods such as tempeh or tofu. In the morning, you could have a fruit smoothie with some Vega protein and the protein would sustain you through the morning. (start off with a smaller amount of Vega than suggested)
Another possibility is with regards to the quality of the produce you are using. If you are eating way more produce than before and it is not organic then you may be consuming a high amount of pesticides that will affect the way you feel. Ones that have thin skin (ex: strawberries) or ones with high surface area (ex: lettuce) are the items that should be eaten organic. Ones that have thicker skin are more safe. Also, you can buy a veggie wash to clean vegetables, but again it will not be very effective for produce like strawberries.
Regarding the weight loss, unfortunately it is easier for men to lose weight than it is for women. Depending on how old you are (even moderately young), hormones will be a factor as well.
Let me know if you have any follow up questions.
Category: Becoming a vegan
ANS: Question: Vegan for 3 mths feeling less energy...something wrong?
I was thinking afterward whether your sugar intake has increased as this could also be responsible for a health decline.
[By: 0 @ 2011-08-28, 06:33 | Reply | Print ]Category: Becoming a vegan