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ANS: Question: what kind of milk should I feed my 6 mos old when I stop breast feeding

Hello Michelle,

Even though one of my hats is as a psychologist, I do not have a complete answer for you. I believe one of the female vegan mentors could give you a better answer. Here is my partial answer.

Breast milk is by far the best milk for every baby. If you feel that you can not expose your breasts in public to feed your baby then you can get a breast pump and place it in a bottle. You can also bring a baby blanket and cover your baby while s/he is sucking.

I believe that there is a vegan formula but that is where someone else needs to answer. Just remember that breast milk is the best.

I believe that your baby will be healther as a vegan if s/he has a good balanced diet. It will also help all the animals that you and your baby will not eat. It will also be a great diet for you. Let us know if we can help in any way.

(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2011-06-28, 05:10 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan