Question: I am a vegetarian and i eat a lot of lentils and beans. What are some remedies for those of us who's digestive system doesn't tolerate these types of foods well? (ie.bloating and gas)

(By: Rachel)

[By: @ 2010-01-21, 06:06 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: I am a vegetarian and i eat a lot of lentils and beans. What are some remedies for those of us who's digestive system doesn't tolerate these types of foods well? (ie.bloating and gas)

Beans create a lot of gas but here is a tip: Rinse them in water. That takes a coating off the beans that create gas. This should help a lot. I am not sure if it will also work with lentils but I think that it will. You can also eat many other things like nuts and tofu for protein. Of course you want to balance your protein with fruits and veggies.


(By: David A. Weseloh, Ph.D.)

[By: @ 2010-01-21, 07:41 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: I am a vegetarian and i eat a lot of lentils and beans. What are some remedies for those of us who's digestive system doesn't tolerate these types of foods well? (ie.bloating and gas)

Try eating the beans without any other complex carbs especially wheat. Maybe with some fresh salad instead and some oil and vinegar dressing. If that works try having them with brown rice. Often it is what you are eating with the beans that makes them harder to digest. You can always have your wholegrains at seperate meal.
> (By: Rachel)

(By: Susan Lowry)

[By: @ 2010-01-21, 20:07 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions