general challenges

I want to know general challenges vegans or vegetarians may meet and how you overcome the problems.
Thanks a lot!!
(By: Lauryn)

[By: @ 2009-11-03, 00:45 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

ANS: general challenges

> Hello,
> I want to know general challenges vegans or vegetarians may meet and how
> you overcome the problems.

There are some challenges. First, you need to know how to choose what you eat. It's just a matter of reading the labels, you get used to it and it's fun.

Then you have the social problem: eating with non-vegans is a challenge. But if you're proud of your option and confident, it can also be fun :-)
(By: m)

[By: @ 2009-11-04, 12:19 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

ANS: general challenges

> Hello,
> I want to know general challenges vegans or vegetarians may meet and how
> you overcome the problems.
> Thanks a lot!!
> (By: Lauryn)
I suggest reading the books "vegan Freak" & Skinny Bitch".Extremely helpful. Good luck !
(By: Jean Maclay)

[By: @ 2010-04-22, 16:21 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions