Question: Clothes

I've been vegetarian about 10 yrs now and will almost certainly become a vegan just as soon as I can find some clothes to wear! Please help, I can't find anything much at all. What are the best websites for clothes? I live in the UK.
(By: Lewis Black)

[By: @ 2007-11-05, 22:23 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

ANS: Question: Clothes


Many clothes that you can buy in any High Street store will be vegan if you avoid wool, silk, etc., so personally I do most of my shopping there. But the following sites sell some vegan clothing:

Whilst googling vegan clothes, or similar, will probably turn up others.

Hope that helps,


> I've been vegetarian about 10 yrs now and will almost certainly become a
> vegan just as soon as I can find some clothes to wear! Please help, I
> can't find anything much at all. What are the best websites for clothes? I
> live in the UK.
> (By: Lewis Black)

[By: mcxg46 @ 2007-11-19, 09:18 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan