ANS: Vegtarian products


I'm afraid I can't help with products in the US, as I come from the UK. However, I did just want to point out that for vegans, the same morality which insists that eating meat and other animal products also extends to milk, which is only gained through cruelty to the animal. Also, inevitably milk does contain - apart from the milk itself! - traces of other animal products, such as blood, pus, hormones, etc.

For more information about milk, might I suggest you take a look at this site:

And, as an aside, whilst some people do not like soya milk, there are many other kinds of non-dairy milk available, such as oat-based and rice-based, the latter of which goes particular well with cereal!


> Hi I am a vegetarian i.e.I do not consume any kind of animal products or
> products containing extracts as well as eggs.But I'm fine with milk.I
> would like to know what are the specific brands of Cereal, bread,juices
> and nature bars that are suitable for vegetarians. Also I read that milk
> contains D3 which could be derived from animal extract.Is that true?I
> reside in Sunnyvale, California .I was wondering if vegetarian friendly
> brands would be available in regular supermarkets like Safeway.
> If you have any Information to share on these I'd be grateful.Thanks a
> lot.
> (By: Aparna)

[By: mcxg46 @ 2007-09-28, 08:49 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan