Question: Bowel Movements

My apology in advance for asking a kind of gross question. Before changing to a vegan diet I would regularly have one complete bowel movement each morning with usually a well formed stool and be done for the day. This continued for a time early after my dietary change, but now I may have to relieve myself two or three times daily, incompletely, and with small, loose stools. Could it be the bananas which I consume a lot of now? What am I doing wrong? I don\'t want to change back to the way I was eating, but this is a real problem for me. Thanks.
(By: Perry)

[By: @ 2013-04-11, 16:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

Re: Question: Bowel Movements

Hmm. Well, it's not a very satisfying answer, but it sounds like something you're eating isn't agreeing with you. First, I'd look at foods you're eating a lot more of. Bananas are typically a treatment for loose stool, rather than a cause, but maybe lay off for a week and see what happens. If you're not eating much fiber, try adding some (especially soluble fiber), in the form of rice, wheat, pureed pumpkin, or oats. If that doesn't work, try vegetable fiber instead. Eating lots of fruit can cause problems for some people.

You might also try resetting your digestive system by skipping a meal or two, and/or trying an over-the-counter remedy.

If that's not working, talk to your doctor. She may be able to shed some light on dietary or non-dietary causes.

Good luck!

[By: rocketkoala @ 2013-04-14, 15:21 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions