Question: Non Vegan Restaurants

So if you are vegan and are able to eat something vegan from a restaurant that is not vegan, are you still vegan? In reality by buying something (even though it is vegan)from said restaurant, you are supporting a restaurant that supports the non vegan industry? Thoughts?
(By: Tiffany)

[By: @ 2013-04-02, 15:21 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

Re: Question: Non Vegan Restaurants

This is a great question to ponder! Everyone has a different take on this I'm sure. I personally prefer to not frequent restaurants that are not vegan. However, on the infrequent occasions where I find myself in a non-vegan restaurant, I still consider myself a vegan. I am a vegan doing the best I can in a non-vegan world. As the years have passed it is easier for me to avoid this dilemma!

> So if you are vegan and are able to eat something vegan from a restaurant
> that is not vegan, are you still vegan? In reality by buying something
> (even though it is vegan)from said restaurant, you are supporting a
> restaurant that supports the non vegan industry? Thoughts?
> (By: Tiffany)

[By: 0 @ 2013-04-05, 22:58 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

Re: Question: Non Vegan Restaurants

My philosophy is a bit different. It's my goal to reduce the suffering of animals as much as possible. Most people in the world aren't vegan yet, but lots of people will occasionally eat a vegetarian or vegan meal, if it's easy. So I want to make it as easy as possible, by making sure every restaurant has vegetarian and vegan options on the menu. If we never eat at regular restaurants, why should they have options available for us? So I gladly go to regular restaurants (and politely fill out comment cards if there are no vegan option on the menu!)

[By: rocketkoala @ 2013-04-05, 23:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions