Question: Dairy

I have always been into eating healthy since I was in the 8th grade. Now a sophomore in college, Ive taken the next step and have been a raw vegan for several months. Going to school in LA has made it easy to find places that offer great healthy vegan options and I haven't had any cravings for meat or dairy BUT LA also has so many great trendy frozen yogurt places that make it so hard to shake cravings for it! My friends are really weird about me going raw- no matter how much I explain and try to get them to do activities other than eating out like hiking or shopping, they ALWAYS end up taking me for yogurt to tempt me (I think theyre just jealous of my will power haha) I want it so bad and I even gave in a few times (and felt like crap after). What are some healthy/low calorie, yet tasty frozen yogurt alternatives?
(By: CC)

[By: @ 2012-06-07, 17:39 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Dairy

Hello CC,

There are vegan yogurts. Of course I doubt that most yogart shops would carry them but you might find one if you try. Your will power will help you in college so stick with it. Ask your "friends" this question: Would a true friend try to get you to break your vegan diet or would they care enough about you to help you? Just say NO to their taunts.

(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2012-06-07, 18:50 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Dairy

I bought this thing called yonanas. And what it is isa foof masher sort of speak. You freeze bananas then this little thing (about 40$) turns it into icecream cinsistency. Its amazing and totally vegan! You can add frozen berries to it and I top it with almond or peanut butter-yum!
(By: Kristin)

[By: @ 2013-02-15, 14:22 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan