Question: Does being vegan affect your period?

Hey, I am 16 years old, I have only been vegan for 8 months but I was vegetarian for a year before that already. I eat beans and soy and nuts and veggie burgers etc., all the right replacements, but every now and a again i get a little lazy with my consumption of protein replacements. I also take multivitamins, including iron and vitamin B etc. Everything has been fine until now, but I have missed my period this month and as I am not sexually active the only thing I could think would be the reason for this is my diet. Does being vegan affect your period? Or does it mean I\'m simply not eating enough protein? What can I do to fix it?
(By: Vegan)

[By: @ 2012-05-15, 18:46 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

Re: Question: Does being vegan affect your period?

It's probably not your diet. Protein consumption doesn't have too much to do with your period. Unless you've gotten unhealthily thin (which can disrupt estrogen levels), there is probably nothing to worry about. It's pretty normal for cycles to be a bit irregular, especially at 16. If it hasn't resumed within 3 months, I'd want to see a doctor.

[By: rocketkoala @ 2012-05-16, 04:44 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions