Hi all :)
So I have just decided to become a vegitarian with the goal of eventually going full vegan :) So far so good, it's really a lot easier than I thought to omit meat and diary from my diet in most cases. However my question is in regards to my son. I'd like to put him on a vegitarian diet. Not necessarily vegan- yet anyway. I know my son will still get ample nutrition regardless of weather or not meat or dairy is in his at home diet. BUT is it possible for him to be a healthy vegitarian eater with the "option" of meat. I can't control what he will be eating outside of the home, and have a feeling people- like my mother may be quick to give him meat against my request. If this happens will he get sick. LOL sorry if this doesn't make any sense I am new to all of this. ANY information would be great - thank you
(By: Ashley)
Some vegans who accidentally eat meat have some intestinal distress. Others don't have any problem. Either way, eating some meat won't cause any permanent damage.
Don't forget to make sure your little one is getting enough Calcium, B12, and other nutrients.
rocketkoala wrote:
> Hi!
> Some vegans who accidentally eat meat have some intestinal distress.
> Others don't have any problem. Either way, eating some meat won't cause
> any permanent damage.
> Don't forget to make sure your little one is getting enough Calcium, B12,
> and other nutrients.
Ahhh thank you for the great reply!. Funny thing is little man has had some digestive issues that I have observed recently. However after taking him off meat, such issues have come to a halt :). I sometimes get paranoid though, that he isn't getting enough nutrients, although I am sure he is. But if somebody out there has a good menu templet with meal suggestions please send them my way. Also big question where can I find b12 vitamins for both myself and my son. That are vegan friendly :)
Question: Toddlers and veganism
Hi all :)
[By: @ 2012-01-27, 17:11 | Reply | Print ]So I have just decided to become a vegitarian with the goal of eventually going full vegan :) So far so good, it's really a lot easier than I thought to omit meat and diary from my diet in most cases. However my question is in regards to my son. I'd like to put him on a vegitarian diet. Not necessarily vegan- yet anyway. I know my son will still get ample nutrition regardless of weather or not meat or dairy is in his at home diet. BUT is it possible for him to be a healthy vegitarian eater with the "option" of meat. I can't control what he will be eating outside of the home, and have a feeling people- like my mother may be quick to give him meat against my request. If this happens will he get sick. LOL sorry if this doesn't make any sense I am new to all of this. ANY information would be great - thank you
(By: Ashley)
Category: Becoming a vegan
Re: Question: Toddlers and veganism
[By: rocketkoala @ 2012-01-28, 05:02 | Reply | Print ]Some vegans who accidentally eat meat have some intestinal distress. Others don't have any problem. Either way, eating some meat won't cause any permanent damage.
Don't forget to make sure your little one is getting enough Calcium, B12, and other nutrients.
Category: Becoming a vegan
Re: Question: Toddlers and veganism
rocketkoala wrote:
[By: @ 2012-02-01, 00:14 | Reply | Print ]> Hi!
> Some vegans who accidentally eat meat have some intestinal distress.
> Others don't have any problem. Either way, eating some meat won't cause
> any permanent damage.
> Don't forget to make sure your little one is getting enough Calcium, B12,
> and other nutrients.
Ahhh thank you for the great reply!. Funny thing is little man has had some digestive issues that I have observed recently. However after taking him off meat, such issues have come to a halt :). I sometimes get paranoid though, that he isn't getting enough nutrients, although I am sure he is. But if somebody out there has a good menu templet with meal suggestions please send them my way. Also big question where can I find b12 vitamins for both myself and my son. That are vegan friendly :)
(By: Ashley M.)
Category: Becoming a vegan
Re: Question: Toddlers and veganism
I know Deva, Quest, and Vega make vegan B12. Solgar looks vegan as well.
[By: rocketkoala @ 2012-02-06, 01:53 | Reply | Print ]Here are a few resources for vegan toddlers:
And two message boards:
Category: Becoming a vegan