Question: nauseous after becoming a vegan

Hi, My husband and I are two almost three months in on being Vegans. It was a challange but we absolutely LOVED the way we felt overall. Our meals consist of tempeh, tofu, veggies/fruits and quinoa. We\'ve been eating more tempeh. Just recently about two almost three weeks ago I\'ve been feeling nauseous, really nauseous. I haven\'t been able to shake this overwhelming felling of wanting to vomit because of feeling nauseous. Is this normal feeling?
(By: Tori)

[By: @ 2011-10-13, 21:27 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: nauseous after becoming a vegan

No, it's not normal! Maybe you've picked up a bug, or maybe easing up on the tempeh might help? Depending on the brand, it might have some preservatives that aren't agreeing with you.

[By: rocketkoala @ 2012-02-06, 01:55 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan