I'm just a beginner,I've always been interested in being vegan,I was just wondering what should I eat? I do not want a boring meal,Something nice,tasty and not always fruits and veggies.
(By: Gia)
Wow Gia, you have ask a question that is not easy. Think of someone asking a flesh eater what they should eat. They would have a hard time answering the question. It is the same for a vegan. We eat almost everything that a flesh eater would eat except for flesh, dairy, and eggs. Even those things could be veganized. In addition we have so many other choices. Most flesh eaters do not eat tofu, temphe, and so many other things that vegans often eat. So in reality a vegan with a good diet will have so many more choices then the average flesh eater.
As an example, tonight I had fried tofu with Asian flavoring along with Jasmine rice. For a drink I had tomato juice. For desert I had coconut yogurt with fresh blueberries on top of it. It was delicious and nutritious.
You can find thousands of recipes by going to Vegweb.com. The site is owned by "Veggies Unite!". It was the first veg'n web site that I ever went to when the Internet was new. That was back in 1995. You can find recipes for almost everything. It is a great source of information for vegans just as VEGAN 2050 is.
(By: Doc)
Question: What should vegan people eat?
I'm just a beginner,I've always been interested in being vegan,I was just wondering what should I eat? I do not want a boring meal,Something nice,tasty and not always fruits and veggies.
[By: @ 2011-06-25, 02:29 | Reply | Print ](By: Gia)
Category: Becoming a vegan
ANS: Question: What should vegan people eat?
Wow Gia, you have ask a question that is not easy. Think of someone asking a flesh eater what they should eat. They would have a hard time answering the question. It is the same for a vegan. We eat almost everything that a flesh eater would eat except for flesh, dairy, and eggs. Even those things could be veganized. In addition we have so many other choices. Most flesh eaters do not eat tofu, temphe, and so many other things that vegans often eat. So in reality a vegan with a good diet will have so many more choices then the average flesh eater.
[By: @ 2011-06-25, 03:41 | Reply | Print ]As an example, tonight I had fried tofu with Asian flavoring along with Jasmine rice. For a drink I had tomato juice. For desert I had coconut yogurt with fresh blueberries on top of it. It was delicious and nutritious.
You can find thousands of recipes by going to Vegweb.com. The site is owned by "Veggies Unite!". It was the first veg'n web site that I ever went to when the Internet was new. That was back in 1995. You can find recipes for almost everything. It is a great source of information for vegans just as VEGAN 2050 is.
(By: Doc)
Category: Becoming a vegan