
I am trying to make the change to the Vegan way of life but I have so many questions! I noticed that some vegans eat butter, is that okay? Alot of vegan recipe's call for margarine, which I don't think is healthy. One Vegan friend told me I could not heat any oils (such as olive oil, flax oil, or coconut oil) so I am wondering if I am allowed to saute or caramelize veggies. Also, my favourite drink is Gin and diet tonic with lime. I don't drink anything "diet" except for the occasional gin and diet tonic. Is that vegan friendly? Is red wine vegan friendly? Some of my vegan friends drink coffee and some say that it's not okay to drink coffee. I am so confused!
Thanks :)
(By: Miranda)

[By: @ 2011-05-23, 14:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

ANS: Question:

1. Butter is not vegan but there are some products that are not the same as the traditional margarine which is unhealthy. For example, there is a product called Earth Balance which is made from oils that are not hydrogenated.

2. You can heat olive oil if the heat is low. You can also use canola oil which can take a higher temperature but it's better if it's organic since canola is often genetically modified.

3. Regarding alcohol, there are lots of alcoholic beverages that are not vegan but there are also many that are fine. Gin is usually okay. Wine is more difficult but there are many that are vegan. Here is a website that will help.

4. Here is a webpage with a good explanation about the coffee dilemma for vegans.

Let us know if you have any more questions. Good Luck!

[By: 0 @ 2011-05-23, 22:45 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan