Question: Mostly a vegan but exhausted lately

I am allergic to dairy. I eat eggs, but other than that I am a vegan; no milks, no cheeses etc. I have been eating this way for about six months.

My problem is in the last month I have been exhausted. In the past week I've wanted nothing more than greasy horrible food. I walk my dog every day and go to the gym a few times a week. I get enough sleep each night, but I never feel refreshed.

What is going on? Is there something I am lacking?
(By: Kate)

[By: @ 2010-08-04, 17:48 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions

ANS: Question: Mostly a vegan but exhausted lately

Kate, the last few years I also had the same problem. In the past I had all kinds of energy. It just kept getting worse until I thought that I was going to die. Well, my doctor sent me through several test with no problem detected until he had me take a sleep test. I found out that I have sleep apnea like such a large percentage of US citizens. Now I am using a CPAC breathing machine and I again feel like my old self. I am not saying that you have sleep apnea but it is a possibility. It is also possible that you are not eating a healthy vegan diet. A junk vegan diet is the worse diet that you can be on. Eating a good vegan diet should change things for you. Feel free to ask this site any questions of us that answer questions. One last point, give up the eggs.


(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2010-08-13, 08:13 | Reply | Print ]
Category: General Questions