Question: What are the effects of not eating meat and how do I do my best to avoid them?

I am on my second week being a vegetarian, also no eggs or milk, I am becoming tired and am scared it has something to do with this. However I have absolutely NO interest in going back to eating meat. I am taking "Centrum" and vitamin pills and already looked up what other foods I could eat to replace the things we need that meat gives off such as protein and iron. Does me being tired have anything to do with this? and what other effects should I be looking out for?
(By: Christina Nichole)

[By: @ 2010-04-22, 02:48 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: What are the effects of not eating meat and how do I do my best to avoid them?

Hi Cristina,

Remember you are making a major change in your eating. That could be causing you to be tired. When I became vegan about 14 years ago I lost about 21 pounds in about two weeks. I felt so much better but I was not tired. I had to learn how to make the transition. Now I use Silk on my cereal, Nanonase on sandwiches, and other substitutes. I also eat much more variety that I did as a flesh eater. Being vegan is great!
(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2010-05-12, 05:40 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions