
I am transitioning to Vegan and think I'm doing pretty well. Bloodtest revealed low iron, which would explain tiredness. Doctor suggested to take iron supplements and maybe eat some fish. I have heard about vitamin B12 deficiency in vegans. Is this the same? should I be taking Iron Supplements or Vitamin B12
(By: Stephanie Marsh)

[By: @ 2018-11-26, 00:09 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: Allergies

I have very specific food allergies. I'd like to start a vegan diet with the following allergies: Shellfish, mushrooms, tomatoes, strawberries, cilantro, lactose and soy.

My reactions to shellfish and cilantro are anaphylactic - so there's no wiggle room. The other foods produce a rash (uncomfortable) but tolerable.

How do I start?

[By: mm @ 2017-06-29, 22:10 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

100% All Natural Vegan

Is it possible to be a vegan without GMOs, pesticides, lab-based chemicals, preservatives, and all that other nonsense?
(By: Christian)

[By: @ 2016-06-29, 19:16 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan


i am very new to being vegan but does it delay my menstrual cycle ?
(By: ari)

[By: @ 2016-02-24, 19:02 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: does a vegan diet affect your menstrual cycle?

I really want to become fully vegan, the only thing stopping me is my mum because she wants to wait till I have regular periods. Does a vegan diet affect periods? If not I can become vegan which I have wanted to do for years.
(By: Emily)

[By: @ 2014-09-15, 23:19 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: does a vegan diet affect your menstrual cycle?

Hi Emily,

Yes, it can effect your periods if you eat a lot of soy products. Soy acts like estrogen to the human body so it could make your periods less painful. Other than that it is just a healthier diet. Your mother can do her own research on the Internet and she will see what I am talking about. I believe that you will enjoy being a vegan.

(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2014-09-15, 23:55 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Animal Products

I have been vegetarian for years and have gone completely plant based about six months ago. As I change my purchasing habits, the question occurred to me: What do I do with my current stuff that was made from animals (e.g., clothes, art, furniture, etc.). While I will only be purchasing non animal products from here on, I struggle with whether I should toss out all of this stuff before its worn out. I would be interested in others perspectives.
(By: Jason)

[By: @ 2013-05-19, 18:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Animal Products

Hello Jason,

I believe that all of us has gone through the same problem when we first became vegan. Let me start answering your question by saying that we are not a religion. We are free to decide what we want to do. Even though I disagree, I have met people that call themselves vegan but eat cheese from time to time. They have the right to eat cheese some of the time but I do not think that they should call themselves vegan. They are vegetarians and not vegans.

If you decide to use the non-vegan items like belts and shoes, that is your choice. If you want to give them away again that is your choice. You can even destroy them but I personally disagree with that decision but it is your choice. I even know new vegans that had a burial for their non-vegan items. I personally believe that is a waste of resources and of animals losing their life for these item. Is that burial non-vegan? No, again that is your choice. So you have to decide for yourself what to do.

My choice is to use the item until they wear out. I have been a vegan for 17 years and I still have a couple of leather belts and maybe a couple of pairs of leather shoes which I do not wear anymore. I will probably donate them in the future. I have already donated most of my non-vegan items.

I purchased a Nissan Leaf electric car a couple of months ago and it has a little leather trim on it and it bothered me. I know that an electric car does so much to help the environment so I gave in on a car with a little leather. Did you know that all new cars use some animal products in their cars? Please do not feel guilty with whatever decision that you make. There is no right or wrong answer so make the decision that you believe that is right for you.

(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2013-05-19, 19:55 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: Can you have a healthy vegan diet without Soy?

My daughter is vegan and drinks a fortified soy beverage to replace the milk that she does not have any more. Is there some other replacement for the soy beverage as I am concerned that she may be taking too much soy.
(By: Laurie)

[By: @ 2013-05-02, 21:47 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Can you have a healthy vegan diet without Soy?

The question about the consumption of soy is debated by many people. So I will not go into it at this time but rather I will just answer your question.

Yes, there are many different types of veggie milks. The two most popular are rice milks and almond milks. There are also coconut milk, oat milk, hemp milk, and I am sure that I am missing some. BTW, I especially like vanilla soy milk by Silk. Following that I probably like vanilla almond milk by Silk as a strong second choice.

Please thank your daughter for us for what she is doing for the animals, the environment, and her health.


(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2013-05-02, 22:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: how do you feel about being vegan?

hello i just want to know about some experiences about being vegan, why is it important, and how some of the reason for becoming vegan.

(By: Dalia)

[By: @ 2013-04-07, 20:01 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: Egg Yolk Wash?

My wife & I are about 90% vegan, trying to go all the way. One thing I'd hate to give up is my mother's Irish Soda Bread, so I'd like to "veganize" the recipe. I have most of it figured out, but the last step before putting the loaf in the oven is to brush it with beaten egg yolk. Is there a vegan alternative that will give the same crispy gloss to the bread?
(By: Brian JP Craig)

[By: @ 2013-03-08, 17:56 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Egg Yolk Wash?

Hi Brian,
Type "vegan egg wash" into Google. You'll find lots of ideas. I personally haven't tried any, but I know there are various vegan replacements out there.
(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2013-03-15, 02:13 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: I've been vegan almost 3 weeks and I've gained weight!

I went to a vegan diet almost 3 weeks ago and I'm confussed because I've actually gained weight! About 5 pounds. I've been reading that it could be my body is having a hard time breaking down the greens because I've been so gassy and bloated almost everyday.(it's going to get graffic sorry) Also my stool hasn't been solid and doesn't seem to look like it's been properly digested. I've started drinking more water with lemon, I heard applecider vinegar should also help but I have yet to try it. I've had a headache which could be trying to kick my coffee habit these last couple days but seeing your body put on weight when you've never eaten healthier in your life is so depressing. I'm thinking of doing a fast to clear out everything and try over or should I avoid certain foods for right now? I don't know what to do please help!Thank you for your help! And sorry about the gross factor. I've emailed a couple doctors but haven't gotten word back yet and my family doctor isn't an expert in nutrition :(
(By: Kristin)

[By: @ 2013-02-15, 14:16 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: I've been vegan almost 3 weeks and I've gained weight!

Hi Kristin,
Unfortunately most doctors don't know a lot about nutrition because it's just not part of their training, so they won't be much help. (Their training focuses on diagnosis and treatment of illnesses.)

Vegan food is not necessarily health food because there are lots of vegan junk foods. Sugars and lots of oils are vegan too. There are lots of refined foods that are vegan too. (Oreo cookies, french fries, and potato chips are all vegan.) Animal products are not good for us, but other foods can also be unhealthy.

Try to make sure that you are eating lots of whole foods rather than refined and processed foods - and try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you have some vegan friends and they look healthy, ask them for some healthy and yummy recipes.

You might need a nutritionist or dietician to have a look at your diet and offer some ideas for making your diet healthier. Check also this website from vegan dietician Jack Norris: A lot of what you need to do is to learn how to replace unhealthy foods with new favourites.

Good luck!
(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2013-03-15, 02:11 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: Dairy

I have always been into eating healthy since I was in the 8th grade. Now a sophomore in college, Ive taken the next step and have been a raw vegan for several months. Going to school in LA has made it easy to find places that offer great healthy vegan options and I haven't had any cravings for meat or dairy BUT LA also has so many great trendy frozen yogurt places that make it so hard to shake cravings for it! My friends are really weird about me going raw- no matter how much I explain and try to get them to do activities other than eating out like hiking or shopping, they ALWAYS end up taking me for yogurt to tempt me (I think theyre just jealous of my will power haha) I want it so bad and I even gave in a few times (and felt like crap after). What are some healthy/low calorie, yet tasty frozen yogurt alternatives?
(By: CC)

[By: @ 2012-06-07, 17:39 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Dairy

Hello CC,

There are vegan yogurts. Of course I doubt that most yogart shops would carry them but you might find one if you try. Your will power will help you in college so stick with it. Ask your "friends" this question: Would a true friend try to get you to break your vegan diet or would they care enough about you to help you? Just say NO to their taunts.

(By: Doc)

[By: @ 2012-06-07, 18:50 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Dairy

I bought this thing called yonanas. And what it is isa foof masher sort of speak. You freeze bananas then this little thing (about 40$) turns it into icecream cinsistency. Its amazing and totally vegan! You can add frozen berries to it and I top it with almond or peanut butter-yum!
(By: Kristin)

[By: @ 2013-02-15, 14:22 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan


Hello, I am very new to this type of lifestyle and i am loving every minute of it! I have been dairy free since the beginning of January, and I have had no meat products in the last 4 months. My diet consists of a meal replacement shake at breakfast and lunch combined calories is about 500-600 calories. (maybe a bit more) and my dinner consists of grains and lots of vegetables. My question is that i am losing weight but not as much or as fast as i would have thought/liked. What should my calorie intake be?
(By: Lee)

[By: @ 2012-05-28, 01:59 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question:

I'm not sure about calorie intakes, maybe 1400 or even less to accelerate weight loss. When counting calories, I wouldn't even concern yourself with the quantity of vegetables, or even fruits, that you are consuming. For your morning drink, it would be great to add some fruit in a blender, maybe a few greens (kale, if you have a powerful blender), and there is an awesome product called Vega that will give you a high quality and good amount of protein and this will sustain you throughout the morning. I use a banana, some frozen blueberries, frozen strawberries, and some raw cacao with a bit of kale and the vega. Yum! If you have never used vega just start out with a smaller quantity until you are sure you like it. The banana and strawberries make it sweet.

Keep in mind that slower weight loss is better for the body and you don't want to detox too quickly as you might not feel as good day-to-day throughout the detox period. It sounds like you're doing okay. Thanks for sharing your experience.

[By: 0 @ 2012-05-31, 18:26 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question:

> Hello, I am very new to this type of lifestyle and i am loving every minute
> of it! I have been dairy free since the beginning of January, and I have
> had no meat products in the last 4 months. My diet consists of a meal
> replacement shake at breakfast and lunch combined calories is about 500-600
> calories. (maybe a bit more) and my dinner consists of grains and lots of
> vegetables. My question is that i am losing weight but not as much or as
> fast as i would have thought/liked. What should my calorie intake be?
> (By: Lee)

I would make lunch your biggest meal for when you have your whole grains since those will take the body the longest time to digest.
(By: Kristin)

[By: @ 2013-02-15, 14:25 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: How can I become a vegan without increasing our food budget

I want to become a vegan, but my husband and 17 year old son don't. we cannot afford to increase our food budget so that I can do this, any ideas?
(By: Denise)

[By: @ 2012-04-25, 21:28 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: How can I become a vegan without increasing our food budget

The great thing about vegan food is that anyone can eat it regardless of whether or not they are vegan. Your husband and son already eat things that are vegan, but they just don't label those foods that way.

It used to be that vegan food was considered to be tasteless or funny-tasting but those days are long gone. If you are doing the cooking, as long as you make your meals very tasty, they'll be happy. Try the recipes at or in the book Veganomicon. You could also try veganizing their favourite dishes. Most of them will pretty much taste the same.

> I want to become a vegan, but my husband and 17 year old son don't. we cannot afford to increase our food budget so that I can do this, any ideas?
> (By: Denise)

(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2012-05-23, 02:16 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Question: Vegans and Protein

Hello, I am currently writting a paper on the protein aspect of becoming a vegan. I was hoping that you could fill in some blury spots starting with, is protein really as essential as the media says it is? Also what are some good vegan ways to get protein? How do you personally feel (with your health) after becoming vegan? How much protein should you get daily? Thanks a million!
(By: Hunter Rose Teal)

[By: @ 2012-04-25, 19:43 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question: Vegans and Protein

> Hello, I am currently writting a paper on the protein aspect of becoming a
> vegan. I was hoping that you could fill in some blury spots starting with,
> is protein really as essential as the media says it is? Also what are some
> good vegan ways to get protein? How do you personally feel (with your
> health) after becoming vegan? How much protein should you get daily? Thanks
> a million!
> (By: Hunter Rose Teal)

I would watch the documentary forks over knifes, it talks about protein a lot. But all plants have protein, all animals need it. For example cows are full of muscle yet get it by eating grass so that grass must have protein! Did you know tgeir is a ufc champion who is vegan? Just eating plants he's stronge lean and has mostly all muscle. So we don't need as much protein as you think. Maybe no more than 10%

(By: Kristin)

[By: @ 2013-02-15, 14:30 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan


I want to be entirely vegan, but I am allergic to nuts, [except almonds in moderation] soy, corn some beans, avocado, barley and all condiments or fermented foods, so, also mushrooms and, as it turns out, algae. How do I get protein that doesn\'t bore me into fits? I\'ve been eating cannelini beans and rice but it makes me fall asleep.
(By: Kayti Sullivan)

[By: @ 2012-04-17, 05:12 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

Re: Question:

Hi Katyi,

Try consulting with a nutritionist who is vegan or vegan-friendly. They can help you find a variety of foods that would be OK for you. There is a HUGE variety of vegan foods out there. Health food stores are a good place to find a lot of them.

Regarding protein, don't be worried. Pretty much the only way to become protein deficient is to actually be starving.
(By: Marco)

[By: @ 2012-09-02, 08:13 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

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